< HOME  Monday, April 27, 2009

The American Bankocracy

The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power– political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future.

Senator Barry Goldwater

Obama is considered by many to be the Wall Street President, almost as if it's a first in U.S. politics, but nothing could be further from the truth. With the advent of the Global Financial Crisis (or GFC - might as well give it its own acronym since we'll be hearing about it ad nauseam for a long time yet), now is a good time to review the history of the Wall Street Establishment's incestuous relationship with the U.S. government and the extent to which America is ruled not so much by its politicians, but by the banking interests that fund, select and control them.

Murray N. Rothbard's article Wall Street, Banks and American Foreign Policy, written in 1984 and first published by a small financial journal called the World Market Perspective, is an epic historical account of the control and manipulation of the U.S. government by the big banks and their agents, from the Lincoln era all the way up to the end of the Reagan Administration. His article details the massive influence of Morgan and Rockefeller banking interests on the U.S. government and its foreign affairs throughout the 20th century - from within and without - which by 1973 had come together in the form of the Trilateral Commission. This shady organisation has hand-picked, vetted and groomed for office every presidential candidate since Nixon, including Obama.

Rothbard, until his death in 1995, was a Jewish-American economist, author and intellectual, and a fierce opponent of fractional reserve banking and the Federal Reserve [.pdf] (also see Rothbard's The Mystery of Banking [.pdf]). He was also a staunch anti-Zionist [.pdf] who wrote about the hypocrisy of the ADL and the "menace" of what he called "Organised Anti-Anti-Semitism".

The major fount of OAAS [Organised Anti-Anti-Semitism] is the venerable Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), the head of what the grand Old Rightist John T. Flynn referred to during World War II as the "Smear Bund." (Flynn was forced to publish himself his expose of the orchestrated smear of isolationists in his pamphlet, The Smear Terror.) Since the end of World War II, the key strategy of the ADL has been to broaden its definition of anti-Semitism to include any robust criticisms of the State of Israel. Indeed, the ADL and the rest of the OAAS has formed itself into a mighty praetorian guard focusing on Israeli interests and Israeli security.

Rothbard's article Wall Street, Banks and American Foreign Policy is not what I would call entertainment - it's rich in detail and scrutinises the minutiae of each politician's banking and/or commercial connections - but it's a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the financial elite's stranglehold on the government of the United States. And it's probably more important and salient now than it was when it was written in '84.

Wall Street, Banks and American Foreign Policy

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At Monday, April 27, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

that's great news.

I didn't know Rothbard was a staunch anti-zionist.

the folks at Lew Rockwell keep a tight lid on that little secret.

never have been a group to take chances against the ruling party.

At Monday, April 27, 2009, Blogger andie531 said...

Rothbard was one of the original Ayn Rand devotees. He broke off with them after he married a Christian and converted to Christianity.

Rand and her then boyfriend Nathaniel Branden ("father" of the self-esteem movement) did a shake down on Rothbard at that point, treating him as if he'd lost his marbles. They were decidedly anti-Christian, seeing Christianity as some sort of self-sacrificing weakling religion that had to do with the Randians hated concept of Altruism.

Everyone, including Alan Greenspan, who was in Rand's inner circle, was Jewish. Rothbard soon got free of them and didn't have much good to say about Rand afterwards. He ridiculed her idea, for example, that the biggest victim in American society was the businessman.

At Monday, April 27, 2009, Blogger Infensus Mentis said...

QRS: See this article at the Lew Rockwell website in which Rothbard poses the question 'who are the terrorists?', and condemns Israeli aggression.

At Monday, April 27, 2009, Blogger Infensus Mentis said...


"Terrorism" has been made The Issue of the Year, for which Americans are expected to tighten their belts, pay countless billions in taxes so the U.S. government and its allies can arm to the teeth, and suffer an escalating repression of their liberties.

Yet who the terrorists are supposed to be remains vague and shadowy. Their only apparent common characteristic is that they are swarthy and foreign; no Nordics need apply.
That article, you'll notice, was written in 1986. I'd love to hear what Rothbard would have to say about the "war on terror" of today.


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